Travel tips

Tips we’ve thought about over our trip

Backpacking with kids: 8 tips for your family trip

Ninety-two days. That's the last time we saw our house, and that's three full months we've been living out of a backpack. We started in Cancun, Mexico and are now in Cusco, Peru. We've travelled through 9 countries and have several different types of experiences. When backpacking with kids, one of the most important considerations is your filling your backpack with the right stuff. Disclaimer: I have added links to items we found useful, or not. I am not endorsing any website over another, nor am I currently making any money from these links. I did this to give you an idea of the products that we have purchased. Feel free to click, or not. Get ideas and hunt for the best prices. Backpacking with kids: The story so far... My wife, Charo and I had been backpacking before, however, this was the first time we took the kids along with us. Like all parents, we tried to plan for every eventuality. We've learned a few things since we packed and hopefully, I can give you some helpful tips for your backpacking trip with your kids. I know I've already written about some things I've learned after a month, but now after three months of travel through Central and South America, I think there a few new things to help plan a backpacking trip with kids. Size of the Backpacks This part of the post is for us seasoned backpackers, and I'm not talking about being an experienced backpacker, but more in terms of life experience. As we wander the streets, I can't help notice all the 20 something backpackers with a 60 - [...]

By |2020-05-20T10:09:35-04:00October 5th, 2019|Airbnb,, Pillar Content, Travel tips|11 Comments
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