Central America

2 nights in Xaibe, Belize

It was hard leaving Bacalar. We enjoyed our short time there. Bacalar is a place we will return to in the future. For now, onward to Belize. Our friends Before continuing, Charo, Marco, Daniela, Mateo, and I have to acknowledge and thank our good friends Marcos and Audrey. We met through our children who are in the same grades. Zach is the same age as Marco, while Emery is the same age as Daniela and Mateo. On at least two different occasions, I remember being invited to their house for dinner. The kids played while we spent hours planning our time in Belize. After we hammered out a rough itinerary, Marcos took it steps further by contacting his family to get us places to stay in both Xaibe and San Ignacio. To outdo himself, he made sure we didn't have to take any public transportation while we there and arranged for his brother to lend us a car! I can safely say, our experience could not have been possible without their help. Arriving to Belize We ended up taking a taxi to the frontier (the border) from Bacalar. It was about a 30-minute drive at the cost of 300 pesos. When we got out of the taxi, we were greeted by someone who identified themselves as a border agent, and we found out shortly after he was a taxi driver looking for a fare. He followed us through immigration and helped us exchange money. To say he was pushy was an understatement. We were going to take a bus to Xiabe, but we ended up hiring him for $20 US. We probably could have done better for a taxi, perhaps [...]

By |2020-05-22T01:51:50-04:00July 25th, 2019|Belize, Central America, Home Stay, Xaibe|1 Comment
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