This year are kids didn’t get too much under the tree. It was hard for them to understand, but most presents they received were focused on our year away. Instead of giving them toys that they would play with for days, we purchased Kindle paperwhite ereaders with hopes of years of reading pleasure. The reason we purchased these were because they are dustproof and waterproof.
My thoughts about it so far:
Amazon does have a tonne of books to purchase. Most books we want to read, or the kids want to read are available for sale on Amazon for the Kindle. This makes travelling a little lighter since our family are big readers. Since opening his Kindle on Christmas day, Marco has read: Dogman Brawl of the Wild, Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass, and has started Robinson Crusoe. As you can see, if we have to purchase every book we read then our year long trip will be shortened to a week long staycation. So what are options?
Amazon Kindle Unlimited. This is a subscription service that allows you to borrow 10 books a month from its library for $9.99 a month. Unlike a normal library, it does not have any overdue fees as there are no time limits on book returns. You borrow up to 10 books, when you return one you can then take out another. On the surface this sounds great, until you realize you can’t borrow every book. The best comparison would be to Netflix. Lots of movies, but not everyone of them, and the titles rotate. So far, I have a mixed review of this service. I’m enjoying the fact that they have books such as the lonely planet for rent, it allows us to do our research. On the other hand, I’ve already ran into at least two books that will not work with our Kindle paperwhites.
Amazon Prime Reading. Looks great, you can borrow a few books a month no charge. The unfortunate part, not available in Canada.
Amazon FreeTime Unlimited. A subscription service that varies in price. If you are using for one child, or multiple children or if you have a prime subscription or not. There looks to be a lot of things to do, but once again not available to Canadians.
Overdrive. This is a feature from the Public library in Canada and the United States. It allows you to borrow ebooks from your local public library and return them after a designated time. In fact, you work for, or part of a school board as a student you can borrow ebooks from your school boards library as well. Sounds amazing. Once again, not available to Canadian Amazon subscribers.
So after all this, I’m wondering. Do I keep our Kindles and survive with Kindle Unlimited? Do I return our Kindles and go for something that gives us more options?
What do you think? Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for reading, and happy adventuring?
I use Overdrive from the Toronto library. I am not sure about their children selection but I bet it is excellent. And free!!
Hi Milley, first off thanks for reading and the recommendation. Overdrive is a great app, and I’m using it on my cellphone. The only issue I do have with it is in the US I would be able to link it to a Kindle device. Here in Canada, we do not get that same option.
Just an FYI, if you work for, or have a child in the public school system in Ontario you also most likely have access to Overdrive through their school board. More free books!